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Internet Source Checker

Use this tool to check whether sources that you find on the internet are suitable to use in academic assignments.

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Copy and paste the web address of the source here:
Enter the year the source was published here. Write the year in numbers (e.g. '2005'), or write 'none' if you cannot find this information:
How did you find this source?: Through a normal search engine (e.g. Google, Yahoo, Baidu)
Through a news search engine (e.g. Google News, Yahoo News)
Through Google Scholar or Microsoft Academic Search
Through an academic database recommended by a university library
None of the above
What type of source is this?: An academic journal
A book
A newspaper or news website
A scientific magazine
A research organization or government website
A blog
None of the above

Creative Commons License
Internet Source Checker by Eoin Jordan is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Please enquire about permissions beyond the scope of this license by emailing: